Quantity Surveyors COST PLANNING, ESTIMATING - Quantity Surveyors, Construction Cost Estimators, Expert Witness Consultants

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+61 2 8015 2129 (NSW)
+61 7 3074 9554 (QLD)

Cost plans

QCOST Consultants provide all necessary cost plans and estimates over the project life-cycle, that includes:

  • Elemental cost plans based on schematic designs
  • Detailed cost plans based on detailed designs

DA estimates

Development application (DA) fees are calculated having regard to the estimated cost of development.

Developments over certain values require estimates prepared by a “suitably qualified person”, typically a qualified Quantity Surveyor.

Cost to complete estimates

Cost to complete estimates can be a necessity due to many reasons including:

  • Requirement to refinance the construction works halfway through the construction period.
  • Termination of contract or abandonment during the construction period.
  • Cash does not flow quite in accordance with the forecast, need certainty on cost to complete and the cash-flow

Budget estimates

Budget cost estimates are required to:

  • Establish project budgets.
  • Support applications for funding to banks or other financial institutions.

Other common types of estimates

  • Feasibility estimates to assess financial feasibility of projects.
  • Reinstatement cost estimates for insurance purposes.


Contact QCOST Consultants for Quantity Surveying, Estimating, Construction Cost Management, Expert Witness and Tax Depreciation Consultancy Services